Sellers / lessors

Do you have one or more real estate (s) apartment (s) or house (s)? Do you want to sell it or rent it out? TownKeys operates in Toulouse and its surroundings and puts its experience at your service to support you in your approach.

Do you want to sell?

TownKeys ensures the sale of your property as soon as possible, with little or no negotiation. TownKeys performs the following missions:

  • Estimate
  • Valuation of the property
  • Photos of the property
  • Monitoring and constitution of the file
  • Regular link with the seller

Do you want to rent?

TownKeys undertakes, for all your rental goods, to provide a full service, and to relieve you of the following tasks:

  • Rent estimate
  • Search for the tenant
  • Constitution of the file
  • Drafting of the lease
  • State of play

NEW! The landlord concierge service is THE added bonus of TownKeys. He guarantees you a rental with complete peace of mind. Find out without further ado..

Do you want to rent your holiday home?

Do you have a luxury holiday home to rent? A prime location to share? In France or abroad? TownKeys takes care of everything:

  • Put your ad online on specialized sites: Abritel Homeway, Airbnb, etc.
  • Selection of files
  • Constitution of the file
  • Relationship with holidaymakers

Whatever your profile, TownKeys has the solution for you.

  • 19 rue Bayard
  • 31000 TOULOUSE
  • Legal Notice
  • Data protection policy
  • Manage cookies
  • Our Fee Schedule 

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